Sunday, June 26, 2016

What is MicroMovement4Health?

For MM4Health you want to train & achieve rhythmic MBBf integration using micro-neural ignition of your brain. That is, you mindfully train up the way (MBBf) Mind/Brain/Body framework micro-movements should go at the neural micro-movement level. Each neural micromovement is integrates rythmatically with other micromovements similar to a marching band. Thus, you create more and more integrated micromovements for higher integrated performance. You start moving like a natural athlete or a young child.
No movement happens externally to your MBBf framework until the brain activates your MBBf resources.

We reverse your youth learning pattern from out-to-inside to in-to-outside. Outside-to-inside learning is stored in your brain's episodic memory areas; dementia is access loss of episodic memories. In-to-outside learning is your semantic memory with 1,000s lifetime connections - semantic die only when you die!
Simply put it is brain movement before body movement. Nothing happens in the body until the brain use it action potential ignites the neurotransmitter chemicals that fire your muscles and nerves. An ignited brain ignites the external body movements.
Image the millions of neurons that need to ignite their action potential just to move your finger! This means that the brain is able to ignite MICRO-MOVEMENT that you are barely aware of and millions you are not conscious of. So who does a micro-movement create wellness and more importantly health?
For a person over 50+ these lack of micro-movement is experienced a loss of natural, unconscious micro-movement that is best know as ATROPHY of body movement.
Looking closer at atrophy from a MBBf integration aspect and we see that brain atrophy first occurs and body movement atrophy follows. A basic neuroscience aspect is that when the brain reduce it brain activity in any neural cluster connection begin to weaken and neurons get pruned.
More later... Basicly you need to train your brain movement images to improve you body movement health.
#MicroMovement4Health #MM4Health #MBBframework #ShorelineMurray #MindfulRenewal #BrainCare #BrainCare4Optimum #BrainPower #ChronicPainRelief